Apart from hiring professional house cleaners in the COVID-19 virus outbreak, many Singaporeans continue to diligently search for ways to keep their loved ones secure. Other than good hygiene practices, undergoing premises disinfection in Singapore is vital in safeguarding the people using the common space.
While we all have a tendency to take shortcuts from time to time, it’s important to remember that inadequate cleaning and disinfection in Singapore might stymie your ability to get the work done quickly.
Clean First, Then Disinfect
Remove any pollutants, dust, or debris from the surfaces first. Wipe them down with soapy water (or a disinfectant spray) and a hand towel to clean them.
Then, use a disinfectant that is suited for the surface. Disinfecting wipes or disinfectant spray are the quickest and easiest way to accomplish this.
Tip 1: Getting the appropriate frequency

Clearly, health safeguards are at the heart of cleaning. But, considering that cleaning is a difficult chore (particularly when done alone), how can you come up with a concise response to the issue of how frequently you should clean?
The following are the suggested cleaning and disinfection frequencies for homes as a general rule of thumb:
- For common high touch areas, disinfect and clean 3 to 4 times weekly
- For other surfaces, disinfect and clean 2 times weekly
Examples of high-touch Surfaces to disinfect daily:
- Doorknobs
- Table surfaces
- Hard dining chairs (seat, back, and arms)
- Kitchen counters
- Bathroom counters
- Faucets and faucet knobs
- Toilets (seat and handle)
- Light switches
- TV remote controls
- Game controllers
Tip 2: Colour coding your cleaning tools
Cross-contamination is one of the most common causes of illness transmission. We highly advise all Singapore homes to use a color coding system to effectively reduce the danger of cross-contamination.
For instance, green colour can be used for areas where food and other consumables are involved, such as the kitchen and dining tables.
If employees are responsible for keeping the business premises clean, they will require the necessary equipment and cleaning supplies.
Products and equipment should be available in common spaces, such as kitchens and toilets, so that employees may clean as they go. This aids in maintaining a clean and sanitary work environment in critical locations.
Tip 3: Use microfiber cleaning cloths

Yes, you’ll be shocked to learn that not every fabric is suitable for cleaning. Invest in a microfiber towel and you’ll see the improvement immediately.
These cloths, made of ultra-fine microfibers, offer a huge surface area for lifting and ‘hoovering up’ dirt. So get rid of your old cleaning cloths and replace them with microfiber cloths.
Tip 4: Schedule enough time for pre-cleaning and decluttering

Even if your office is pretty tidy, having too much debris makes it appear chaotic and disorganized. Not only that, but when people do have to clean, clutter makes the job considerably more difficult and time-consuming.
The first step in properly disinfecting or sanitizing an area is to remove dirt and other organic materials from the surfaces. You can do so by simply using soap and water to clean the surface before spraying disinfectant on the cloth!
When cleaning, avoid wiping in a circular motion since you’re effectively moving the dirt around. A sweeping motion in the same direction will work well enough.
Tip 5: Work your way up, from clean to filthy
The following is a suggested cleaning strategy: Always begin with the areas that are the least filthy (cleanest) before moving on to the areas that are the most soiled.
This helps to guarantee that you don’t introduce more pollutants into the regions that are cleaner.
Tip 6: When cleaning, never leave food out in the open
While this may seem obvious, many homeowners fail to notice that they have consumables such as fruits, exposed tea bags, and opened snack packages sitting around the house.
Cleaning products used incorrectly can have harmful consequences on you and your family, so keep any consumables out of the way before sprinkling on disinfectant.
Concluding words

It is not always essential to engage a cleaning contractor expert to assist with maintaining the cleanliness and hygiene of your premises. However, if this is feasible, taking precautionary measures with specialized disinfection in Singapore will be advantageous for everyone that will be using the space. Disinfection in Singapore that involves cleaning and sanitizing commonly touched surfaces and items effectively eliminates bacteria and viruses.
Don’t forget that the 6 tips listed above should come hand in hand with good personal hygiene practices! If you are looking for professional disinfection services to keep your premises clean, drop us a message to schedule your first cleaning appointment.